The MARC continues to work collaboratively with the referees from the Eastern Penn Referee Society. Click Here to make sure your club is conforming to the match procedures:
Are you a match official that needs to report a red/yellow card? Please contact our Discipline Director, Jan Kretzschmar.
9/8/18 | Chris Spurlock | Scranton | Yellow | No attempt to wrap | No further sanction. |
9/8/18 | Kevin Bronander | Scranton | Yellow | Professional Foul | No further sanction. |
9/8/18 | Nick Gajewski | York | Yellow | Professional Foul | No further sanction. |
4/13/19 | Dominique Shannon | Drexel University | Red | Pushing an Opponent without the ball | 1 week |
4/13/19 | Taya Jackson | Kutztown Women | Red (2 Yellow) | 2 High Tackles | 1 week |
4/13/19 | Liam Ruddy | Neumann University Men | Red | Verbal Abuse of a referee | 6 weeks suspended for referee certification |
4/13/19 | Michael Raymond | Neumann University Men | Post Match Citing | Intimidation of a referee | 12 weeks |
4/27/19 | Anthony Harmon-Miller | King's College Men | Red | Aggravated Approach of Opponents | 2 weeks |
9/7/19 | Andrew Gillis | West Virginia Men | Yellow | Tackling while off feet and in offside position | No further sanction. |
9/7/19 | John Mitchell | Rowan Men | Yellow | Late tackle | No further sanction |
9/7/19 | Ryan O'Neil | St. Joseph's Men | Yellow | Attempted punch | No further sanction |
9/7/19 | JC Cedeno | Rowan Men | Yellow | Tackling man in the air | No further sanction |
9/14/19 | Justin Lopez | Delaware Men | Yellow | Repeated infringement at the ruck and complaining to the referee | No further sanction |
9/14/19 | Abisai Mejia | Millersville Men | Yellow | Dangerous Tackle | No further sanction |
9/14/19 | Melissa Callahan | ESU Women | Yellow | High Tackle | No further sanction |
9/14/19 | Cam Kamer | TCNJ Men | Yellow | No Arms Tackle | No further sanction |
9/14/19 | Nasi Jackson | ESU Men | Yellow | High Tackle | No further sanction |
9/14/19 | Sam Pridmore | ESU Men | Yellow | High Tackle | No further sanction |
9/14/19 | Shane Galligher | ESU Men | Yellow | High Tackle | No further sanction |
9/21/19 | Grant West | Lehigh Men | Yellow | Dump Tackle | No further sanction |
9/21/19 | Matt Romano | Lehigh Men | Yellow | High Tackle | No further sanction |
9/21/19 | Ben Czaja | Lehigh Men | Yellow | High Tackle | No further sanction |
9/21/19 | Nick Cosir | Lehigh Men | Yellow | High Tackle | No further sanction |
9/21/19 | Ryan Chew | West Chestter Men | Yellow | Tackling man in the air | No further sanction |
9/21/19 | Jack Dubulas | Rowan Men | Yellow | High Tackle | No further sanction |
9/21/19 | Steven Guevars | Rowan Men | Yellow | Tackling man in the air | No further sanction |
9/21/19 | Dillon Stephens | Millersville Men | Yellow | High Tackle | No further sanction |
9/21/19 | Jon Garber | F&M Men | Yellow | Dangerous Tackle | No further sanction |
9/22/19 | Joseph Ferrone | King's College Men | Yellow | Offsides on goal line (7s) | No further sanction |
9/22/19 | Anthony Harmon-Miller | King's College Men | Yellow | High Tackle | No further sanction |
9/22/19 | Nicholas Maffetone | King's College Men | Yellow | High Tackle | No further sanction |
9/28/19 | Josh Moore | West Chester Men | Yellow | Late Tackle | No further sanction |
9/28/19 | Jimmy Peznik | Rowan Men | Yellow | No Arms Tackle | No further sanction |
9/28/19 | Logan Frveirmuth | Bloomsburg Men | Red (2 Yellows) | Late Tackle & Repeat Team Infringement | 1 week suspension |
9/29/19 | Ian Prator | King's College Men | Yellow | Intentionally knocking the ball down | No further sanction |
10/5/19 | Marvin Jacobs | Lehigh Men | Yellow | Tackle with head contact | No further sanction |
10/5/19 | Nicholas Locantore | Drexel Men | Yellow | Attempt to hurdle tackler | No further sanction |
10-6-19 | Jahdir White | King's College Men | Yellow | Dump Tackle | No further sanction |
10-6-19 | Vince Umile | Holy Family Men | Yellow | Stiff Arm to Face | No further sanction |
10-5-19 | James Kinzer | St. Joseph's Men | Yellow | Head Contact | No further sanction |
10-5-19 | Jared Skibinski | Temple Men | Yellow | Dump Tackle | No further sanction |
10-12-19 | Garcia Josue | PSU Berks Men | Yellow | Beyond 90 degree tackle | No further sanction |
10-12-19 | Keen Dietz | Susq Men | Yellow | Head Contact | No further sanction |
10-12-19 | Brian Clark | Susq Men | Yellow | Tackle on penalty without retreating | No further sanction |
10-11-19 | Neil Kelly | Townsend Men | Yellow | Head contact | No further sanction |
10-12-19 | Kyle Truesdale | Pitt Men | Yellow | Tackle after not retreating | No further sanction |
10-12-19 | Max Bryson | West Chester Men | Yellow | Holding down player after ruck had ended | No further sanction |
10-18-19 | Paulosky | St. Joseph's Men | Yellow | preventing quick tap | No further sanction |
10-18-19 | Mcllrath | St. Joseph's Men | Yellow | high tackle | No further sanction |
10-18-19 | Brancato | West Chester Men | Yellow | high tackle | No further sanction |
10-18-19 | McMenamin | West Chester Men | Yellow | high tackle | No further sanction |
10-18-19 | Briget Neal | Scranton Women | Yellow | neck contact | No further sanction |
10-26-19 | Luke McDermont | Delaware Men | Yellow | high tackle | No further sanction |
10-26-19 | Sherby Bastien | ESU Women | Yellow | high tackle | No further sanction |
10-26-19 | David Rogers | Lafayette Men | Yellow | high tackle | No further sanction |
10-26-19 | Zac Clifton | Neumann Men | Yellow | dump tackle | No further sanction |
10-26-19 | Hunter Garman | Neumann Men | Yellow | high tackle | No further sanction |
10-26-19 | Travis Grant | Haverford Men | Yellow | high tackle | No further sanction |
10-19-19 | Vito Heck | DeSales Men | Red (2 Yellows) | high tackle/repeat tean infringement | No further sanction |
11-2-19 | Nick Carney | Villanova Men | Yellow | Cynical play (swatting ball to prevent quick tap) | No further sanction |
11-2-19 | Ian Smith | Scranton Men | Yellow | Swatting at the ball on defense | No further sanction |
11-3-19 | Anthony Harmon-Miller | Kings Men | Yellow | Leading with the arm to the head | No further sanction |
11-3-19 | Dan Werner | Holy Family Men | Yellow | High Tackle | No further sanction |
11-3-19 | Sarah Vancise | Bloomsburg Women | Red | Punches to Head | 3 weeks |
11-10-19 | Ian Prator | Kings Men | Yellow | Dump Tackle | No further sanction |
11-16-19 | Julius Gorbea | Susq Men | Yellow | Hand to the face | No further sanction |
9-25-21 | Dylan Herlihy | Scranton Men | Yellow | Reckless Contact With Player In The Air | No further sanction |
9-25-21 | Brad Porter | Shipp Men | Yellow | No Wrap Tackle | No further sanciton |